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Why hasn’t the hospital canceled the possible cancer-causing examination of the chest X-ray in the physical examination?

Why hasn’t the hospital canceled the possible cancer-causing examination of the chest X-ray in the physical examination?
In addition to the chest cavity, the irradiated parts of the chest X-ray or chest X-ray also include the abdomen and neck, where the thyroid and gonads are located respectively. Both aspects play an important role in child development. For children, lead “neck sleeves” and “aprons” should be used to focus on shielding these two parts to reduce X-ray radiation to children.
Not only “neck sleeves” and “aprons”, but generally we use shielding protective equipment during the inspection process. However, in the process of time, many hospitals and patients are reluctant to use protective equipment due to reasons such as disinfection, troublesome wearing, and long waiting time. Chest X-ray can be seen as taking a flashlight in the dark night, it is dynamic, and chest X-ray is similar to taking photos, it is static. X-rays are the eyes of modern doctors and play an important role in diagnosis.

Author: X Ray Machine Accessories

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