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customer ask about the advantages of digital X-ray machine

Recently, a customer  called to inquire about the advantages of the digital X-ray machine. Here is an introduction to the advantages of the digital X-ray machine.

1. Reduce the dose of X-ray radiation and better protect doctors and patients.

2. Reduce the economic burden of patients: patients can be diagnosed nearby, free from the increased road fee of going to the hospitals, free from the road fee, catering fee, accommodation fee and nursing fee of family care for patients, and reduce the waiting time for medical treatment;

3. Increase the popularity and influence of the hospital: equipped with modern advanced Dr, digital X-ray machine to improve the level of the hospital, improve work efficiency, increase the number of patients, and improve patient satisfaction;

4.Improve image quality, facilitate doctors’ diagnosis, reduce hospital risk, solve doctor-patient disputes, and ease the contradiction between patients and hospitals;

5.The x-ray machine  Reduce the number of films to meet the environmental protection trend advocated by the state;

6. Optimize radiation work flow and improve work efficiency;

7. Digital image for remote consultation

Author: Alex

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